Flowers by SGF
Based in North Leeds, we grow a wide a range of foliage, perennials and annuals for sale to individuals, florists and brides. At our core is a love of Eucalyptus and so unsurprisingly, we grow a lot of this!
Fresh, locally grown flowers are available to order from us directly by the bunch (from £10) and in bouquets (from £25). You can order through the website. We also offer a bespoke service. We would love to hear from you. You can email rebecca@silvergreyfoliage. Or you can call/text Rebecca: 07734652550.
We are in our second year of growing. We use our own flowers as much as we can. We also source flowers from other British growers and from further afield in our floristry work.
We are incredibly grateful to those who have taken the time to review us on Facebook. Do have a look and see what people have to say about us and follow us there or on instagram @silvergreyfoliage
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